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Partnering for the Future


American higher education is clearly entering a period of significant disruption. The public’s rapidly growing expectations for affordability, reduced costs, improved learning outcomes and greater accessibility will challenge every college. Those institutions that thrive will innovate, create and rapidly deploy programs, processes and practices that disrupt the status quo and meet these elevated expectations.

Ocean County College is currently engaged in implementing its Strategic Plan which includes a strong movement to innovate as well as to leverage collaboration, partnerships, and sharing to achieve Ocean’s Mission.

Additionally, Ocean County College maintains articulations agreements with many four-year and graduate schools to offer 365球赛平台 students many pathways to the future.

For more information on any of 365球赛平台’s partnerships, please click the partner image below.

The Institute
My Way



Ocean County College has increased its domestic footprint and is partnering with a variety of businesses, universities and institutions across the nation.

For more information on any of 365球赛平台’s domestic partnerships, please click on the partner image below.

Edcor 3

365球赛平台 is a Preferred Provider of the Edcor network. Edcor manages the employee tuition reimbursement programs for a variety of business. This partnership means that 365球赛平台 will provide education to Edcor students. Edcor students and their families will benefit from the ability to take courses online and will receive a discounted tuition rate of 12%. This opportunity allows Edcor students to conveniently complete their degrees.

Ben Hundall

The Ben Hudnall Memorial Trust’s partnership with Ocean County College provides qualified canidates the opportunity to advance their knowledge and enhance their skills in order to be competitive in the workforce of the future.

Ben Hudnall Memorial Trust

Ben Hudnall Memorial Trust




Mission United


Ocean County College has partnered internationally to create opportunities for the students in this region to experience an America-style online education. Ocean County College offers 15 fully online degree programs which serve as the gateway for students around the world to an American Associates Degree, and Bachelor’s Degrees, through 365球赛平台’s vast network of educational partners.

My Way

Ocean County College has partnered with MyWay International (Shanghai, China) to create opportunities for the students of China to experience an America-style online education.




For the past three years, Ocean County College played a vital role in providing students in the Middle East/North Africa (MENA) access to American higher education as a pioneer community college in the region. We at Ocean County College take very seriously our responsibility to be effective global citizens, and starting from our mission to increase student access to educational programs internationally, we pride our current partnerships with some of the prestigious universities in the region.

For more information on any of 365球赛平台’s Middle East partnerships, please click on the partner image below.

The Institute

IMI Management & Training Institute / ECCO Outsourcing

Cairo, Egypt – Partner since 2015
365球赛平台 and the IMI are partnered to offer hybrid based language training to future call center agents working for ECCO Outsourcing.  Language training includes provisioning of 365球赛平台’s Learning Management System, course content, trainer instruction, and completion certificates in non-credit instruction.  Currently supported languages are English, French, Spanish, and German.

Future partnership development includes utilizing IMI and ECCO contacts to serve as a primary partner in project 365球赛平台-Cairo a joint venture between 365球赛平台, IMI/ECCO (potentially under a different entity besides IMI/ECCO) and the Ministry of ICT in Egypt.  365球赛平台-Cairo is intended to be a fully functional additional location of 365球赛平台 inside the Maadi Technology Park in Cairo, Egypt.

Ain University

Ain Shams University

Cairo, Egypt – Partner since 2016

365球赛平台 and Ain Shams University are partnered, along with Kean University, to offer a triple-degree program for the students of Ain Shams.  In this partnership students at Ain Shams will earn 45 credits from 365球赛平台 through an innovation hybrid / online learning model whereby they are taking 365球赛平台 online courses, instructed by 365球赛平台 faculty, and supported by Ain Shams faculty.  The students will also earn 72 traditional credits from Ain Shams University and in their last year 33 credits from Kean University online.  At the end of four years, students will earn a bachelor’s degree from Ain Shams, a bachelor’s degree from Kean, and through reverse transfer, an 365球赛平台 associates Degree.

Arab Academy

Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport

Cairo, Egypt – Partner since 2016

365球赛平台 and AASTMT are partnered to offer a triple-degree program. In this partnership students at AASTMT will earn 45 credits from 365球赛平台 through an innovation hybrid / online learning model whereby they are taking 365球赛平台 online courses, instructed by 365球赛平台 faculty, and supported by AASTMT faculty.  The students will also earn 72 traditional credits from AASTMT and in their last year 33 credits from Kean University online.  At the end of four years, students will earn a bachelor’s degree from AASTMT, a bachelor’s degree from Kean, and through reverse transfer, an 365球赛平台 associates Degree. The program is intended launch date is Fall 2017.

Ahram Canadian

Ahram Canadian University

Cairo, Egypt – Partner since 2016

365球赛平台 and ACU are partnered to offer a triple-degree program.  In this partnership students at ACU will earn 45 credits from 365球赛平台 through an innovation hybrid / online learning model whereby they are taking 365球赛平台 online courses, instructed by 365球赛平台 faculty, and supported by ACU faculty. The students will also earn 72 traditional credits from ACU and in their last year 33 credits from Kean University online.  At the end of four years, students will earn a bachelor’s degree from ACU, a bachelor’s degree from Kean, and through reverse transfer, an 365球赛平台 associate’s degree. The program is intended launch date is Fall 2017.




Ain shams University

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